How to Use Android Cellular as wifI Adapter to Your Computer or use wifi for Your Computer Via Mobile

pdanet for pc and android full registered
pdanet for pc and android full registered 

Howdy! hope are you goo and enjoying good life.

These days am going to reveal you ways you could connect your cellular statistics net to computer computer with the help of data transfer cable.

Or even if your smart phone is attached to a WI-FI community you may additionally get entry to the Internet through mobile

so whats we need to do for that  we could observe examine the publish nicely make certain it allows you a lot

 we need a information cable for connecting cell to personal computer

so now you related to personal computer just go to below links to go your work! 

you need to down load a record that hyper link is cited in this folder one of the record is for laptop .exe 

record thats extension so install in laptop and 

the second is the .apk document for android cellphone so install in cellular or laptop both 

then connect to wifi or permit cellular information both what you have got 

 for extra clean expertise watch the video tutorial

If you don't understand how to install watch video tutorial below! Thanks


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